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Become a Fair Board Member

Opportunities are available for the following positions on the fair board:

District 1 - open to a resident from Lund, Evansville, Millerville, Urness, or Brandon Townships
District 4 - open to a resident from Alexandria Township (except that part within the City of Alexandria), Hudson, Orange, Belle River, and Osakis Townships
District 5 - open to a resident of the City of Alexandria
At Large - open to any resident of Douglas County

Please email info@dcmnfair.com with any questions or if you are interested in being considered. The deadline is September 29, 2024.

Douglas County Agricultural Association (DCAA)

Douglas County Agricultural Association (DCAA)

  • Membership to the Douglas County Agricultural Association (DCAA) is open to all residents of Douglas County.
  • $5.00 dues annually
Monthly Business Meetings:
  • 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7:00pm at the Alexandria Public Schools Facilities & Operations Hub - 5398 South Broadway St, Alexandria


Fair Phone Number: 866-656-FAIR

President Brad Brejcha Extension 701 bbrejcha@dcmnfair.com Grandstand & Non-Grandstand Entertainment Supervisor
Vice President Jim Kokett Extension 700 jkokett@dcmnfair.com Sponsorship Supervisor
Treasurer Kevin Brezina Extension 710 kbrezina@dcmnfair.com
Secretary Sharon Seibel Extension 718 sseibel@dcmnfair.com
Technology Supervisor
Director Brad Schmidt Extension 712 bschmidt@dcmnfair.com Camping Supervisor
Director Keith Englund Extension 719 kenglund@dcmnfair.com
Director Lisa Hynes Extension 705 lhynes@dcmnfair.com Fair Program Supervisor
Director Darla Engstrom Extension 713 dengstrom@dcmnfair.com Food and Non-Food Vendor Supervisor
Director Aaron Williams Extension 715 awilliams@dcmnfair.com
Director Molly Maudal Extension 708 mmaudal@dcmnfair.com Marketing & Fair Program Supervisor
Director Pete Fernholz Extension 704 pfernholz@dcmnfair.com 4-H & Livestock Supervisor and Beer Vendor Supervisor
Director Don Kleine Extension 711 dkleine@dcmnfair.com
Director Jerry Peper Extension 707 jpeper@dcmnfair.com 4-H & Livestock Supervisor and Game & Fish Building Supervisor
Julie Bosek
Extension 709
jbosek@dcmnfair.com Open Class Supervisor
Director Janet Schiltgen Extension 720 jschiltgen@dcmnfair.com
Staff April Brejcha abrejcha@dcmnfair.com Off-Season Rental Supervisor
Staff Kristie Brezina
kabrezina@dcmnfair.com Human Resources
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