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Become a Fair Sponsor!


We're Unique: As a sponsor of the Douglas County Fair, your company will become part of a long standing tradition in this area. Consumers of all ages, interests, and incomes from across the county and region attend the fair each year!

We're Flexible: A sponsorship gives you the chance to bring your message into the action at the fairgrounds by offering naming rights for buildings and attractions, events and contests, exposure in fair publications, exhibit space, public address announcements and many, many other opportunities.

We're Here All Year: In addition to over 50,000 people who attend the fair annually, your company will also have year-round opportunities to reach other consumers who attend many of the various non-fair events held at the fairgrounds year-round!

For more information about our sponsorship programs, please contact Jim Kokett, Sponsorship Supervisor, at: 1-866-656-FAIR ext. 700 or e-mail jkokett@dcmnfair.com.

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